dzukuo valley

It is located about 25 km south of Kohima, the Dzukou Valley and Japfu Peak offer one of the most beautiful places on the continent. Nagaland is called ?Eastern Switzerland? and the Dzukou Valley and Japfu Peak provide strong evidence for that moniker. Dzukou Valley and Japfu Peak trek is a must-have for any hiker. The 3048-foot-tall Japfu Peak is the second-highest in Nagaland and provides a spectacular view of the heavenly beauty of the Dzukou Valley. Dzukou Valley is also known as the "Eastern Flower Valley" and is a sight to behold, once fully grown. The Dzukou Valley is considered to be the base of an ancient volcanic crater and is covered with a rug of magnificent grasses and flowers. Sitting on top of a hill you are suddenly overwhelmed by the beauty of the head and the beauty of sight in front of you. Despite its growing popularity, the Dzukou Valley remains one of the best tourist destinations in Nagaland and North East India. This is because the number of people traveling to Dzukou village is still very small. Needless to say, the Dzukou Valley tour is one of the most popular tours in northeastern India.